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Rick 05-24-2005 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
With v2 those things don't happen?

The new icons for the player list tabs have been added because the text is too huge if you have 5 tabs ;) I tried to find good gfx, if someone wants to make nicer ones then he/she is welcome to do so. The server icon is displaying part of the earth ball, like on the RC.

Suggestion: Make those icons customizable by servers?

Spark910 05-24-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rick
Suggestion: Make those icons customizable by servers?

I think it would get a bit confusing, especially if every server had different icons, and ones that don't make much sense. It'd be easier for something like the playerlist to have standard icons so players can easily navigate through them without getting confused as to what does what.

HoudiniMan 05-25-2005 12:59 PM

I will perhaps find time to draw some up, but i thought i'd toss my idea out:

Have icons for each tab that change to something similar but with different colors when you recieve a message or it wants to be noticed. Ie: Player head for the current server that glows when you get a PM and the tab is not in focus.

xAndrewx 05-25-2005 01:13 PM

And cause more clientside lagg? I can't wait ^^

Ajira 05-25-2005 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by xAndrewx
And cause more clientside lagg? I can't wait ^^

Either your computer sucks, or your computer sucks.

Admins 05-25-2005 03:44 PM


- Using WinXP, if you lock the computer while the playerlist is opened (windows key + L), an errors occurs: "A Win32 API function failed"
I have no idea how to test that, on Windows 2000 that key shortcut doesn't exist. It would be good to make a screenshot of that.

Hmmm found some hints:

Error: "EOutOfResources," "Win32 Error," "A Win32 API function failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"
These errors are usually caused by a lack of system resources under Windows 98/Me.

Eventually it would be good to check if there is some strange resource problem when running Graal PMs. Zwr had problems with too many sound handles. You can use the task manager to check that.

Ibonic 05-25-2005 06:32 PM

How 'backwards compatible' is Graal v4 supposed to be with Graal v2? Because there are a bunch of things on the little bit of Classic that exists which don't work right in v3/4, and I don't know if I should report them as bugs or update the scripts.

About the 'locking' bug: maybe someone else can provide a screenshot, with the newest build the error message stopped showing up for me. But I still have the problem of the directx surface being black and the game freezing; Something similar happens when I use a screensaver, except the surface is left as the window color (default is grayish) instead of black.

And there's still a sound problem with my Audigy 2 ZS card as I described already. I can't hear any, other than what Graal v4 plays, regardless of volume or what other program I use to test it with. To add onto that: If I kill the graal4.exe process, I lose all sound period until Windows is rebooted. I haven't had this problem with any other game yet, including WoW which you said uses the same library etc.

Admins 05-26-2005 01:44 PM

I will work on the sound stuff soon since there are some people that have problems with it.
If you find errors on Classic may be first contact Storm. If the things work with v2 but not with v4 then post them here (also give the level where the bug happens).

I have fixed a problem with ganis on Maloria, the chat display gani (using #P2) was not loaded at login. I have seen some other weird things (after picking up a bush I was throwing one each time I pressed a key), but I was not sure if that is a bug with v4, someone should check it may be.

Ibonic 05-26-2005 10:18 PM


This happens with Graal v2 also, but I was wondering if maybe you'd add some code to help prevent PMs from being sent to the wrong person(s). I'm guessing maybe it's because the protocol uses the ID number instead of actual account names to send the messages, so the problem is when someone that you were going to PM logs off / reconnects and someone else gets that ID number, you end up sending the PM to the wrong person. If the protocol would need to be changed to verify (from the server) for sure and you don't want to do that, I think it would help a little bit (unless someone's laggy etc.) if the client checks locally if the ID matches the account name right when the PM is sent to the server -- and if it doesn't, don't send it or find the real ID to send to if the person is online with different ID than originally. But I'm not sure how your code works exactly or what would be best to change, so I'll wait for you to comment on that.

Admins 05-27-2005 07:21 PM

The PM problem should be fixed in v4

Ibonic 05-28-2005 03:31 AM

Sometimes when I switch between 2 levels very quickly the players/NPCs in the level I stop in will be missing completely until I switch levels again or reconnect. This happens in Graal v2 too.

Someone else was able reproduce it, and they also ended up in the wrong X/Y position once or twice. Also, the other day on Unholy Nation I was in townsparmedium.graal, walking out to townsparlobby.graal and ended up in a wall across the room.

Possibly just "load lag"? But it can be a problem when it happens accidently. For example, when I was on UN with the previously described problem, they disable "unstick me" in those levels so that most people wouldn't be able to get out without asking for staff assistance.

Admins 05-28-2005 02:00 PM

Can you give the level names?

maximus_asinus 05-28-2005 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ibonic
Sometimes when I switch between 2 levels very quickly the players/NPCs in the level I stop in will be missing completely until I switch levels again or reconnect. This happens in Graal v2 too.

Someone else was able reproduce it, and they also ended up in the wrong X/Y position once or twice. Also, the other day on Unholy Nation I was in townsparmedium.graal, walking out to townsparlobby.graal and ended up in a wall across the room.

Possibly just "load lag"? But it can be a problem when it happens accidently. For example, when I was on UN with the previously described problem, they disable "unstick me" in those levels so that most people wouldn't be able to get out without asking for staff assistance.

All signs point to GMAP.

Ibonic 05-28-2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan
Can you give the level names?

I actually edited my post to remove the levels I originally posted because I thought it was happening to almost any 2 levels. (It's 10 AM right now and I haven't slept, don't ask x_x)

But here are 2 examples:

graalcitybank_inside_01.nw <-> graalcity_outside_03.nw
taylorrichards_inside_01.nw <-> graalcity_outside_01.nw

Yes, a part of it could be gmap related, but there have also been problems in non-gmap areas such as the ones I posted about already on UN.

maximus_asinus 05-28-2005 04:57 PM

UN uses a GMAP don't they?

[edit] I had this happen to me when I entered the bank, they just didn't load.

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