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Leoxx 06-02-2007 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by MisterMastermind (Post 1314437)
No... I'd own too hard and get continually kicked for "lolzomfghackzore!". Don't allow it to kick gold players, just trials because they're the ones who normally hack, gold players don't do it because they'd lose something they paid money for.

doesnt have to only be for hacking. it can also be for glitching, vulgar language, or could be that they ar healing the other team
anyways you shouldnt be worried because only your team can kick you, and i doubt they would want you on the other team xD

someonesomewhere 06-02-2007 08:38 PM

Who suggested this?

Because I remember thinking of something similar a long while back, but I don't remember if I posted it or not. Might have been somebody else ;[

pooper200000 06-02-2007 08:44 PM

This will be abused but I wish it good luck!
:kick huwajux "reason" <Nubber :D>

quintin1992 06-02-2007 09:15 PM

This seems a great way to get rid of bad nubs. I fully vote for this (even though it will be abused), but there should also be a way to do the /kick <account name> for hacking, so we dont have to wait for staff to come on. Like, say /accuse <account name> would bring up a planet global message saying <account name> then his nickname has been accused of hacking. Do you agree? Then have the voting system be the same as before. But, instead of just locking him, it puts him in space without a class for half an hour. And if he relogs, he goes back there :D The without class is so he doesnt ice cannon people. Or it could just make him stuck on the bar tables, while frozen and it says im a bad nub above his head:D :p either way make him say im a bad nub when he tries to speak.
Do this with the /kick <account name> too. Have them say I'M NOT WANTED AND NO ONE LOVES ME!!! when ever they try to speak

SayianOozaru 06-02-2007 09:29 PM

add me it so i can try it :P


just got done reading the whole thing, lol.

and if someone were to be ":kick accname" and was doing it to everyone, i think someone on the team would get tired of it and ":kick hisacc" so the player would stop. i cant see it being abused.

jkool666 06-02-2007 09:39 PM

Sorry Gambet, this is a terrible idea. This is going to be abused to hell and it will really just make one more thing for ETs to worry about.

SayianOozaru 06-02-2007 09:44 PM

No, not really. If half the team wants a player gone for doing something, and no staff member is on to help out, then it would be fine for players to be able to ":kick accname".

You have to remember, its not just up to 1-3 players on if they want someone to leave, its up to the whole team. :p

There should be an option to hide it, if it gets in the way of your player fighting...

Geonosis_Phoenix 06-02-2007 09:56 PM

the process of kicking a player needs be like a pm pop up that says the players name that is up for being kicked and all can vote and after a mass vote is done if theres anough for kickage he's gone

jkool666 06-02-2007 10:02 PM

Oh my bad, I misread it. I thought it said no one needed to vote on Trials being kicked. Alright thats a little better then.
But still, one guild leader just needs to say, "toguild: alright guys kick accountX".

SayianOozaru 06-02-2007 11:38 PM

Ya, but Gambet said;


Originally Posted by Gambet
Well, if they want to keep their access to the server, then I'd suggest they not abuse it. :)

And only P2P's can do the ":kick" command, so its not like with trials hacking, they'll have to spend money to get another account to play on :P

jkool666 06-03-2007 12:14 AM

Sounds hot then :D. I retract my previous statement of it being not good.

DustyPorViva 06-03-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Geonosis_Phoenix (Post 1314639)
the process of kicking a player needs be like a pm pop up that says the players name that is up for being kicked and all can vote and after a mass vote is done if theres anough for kickage he's gone

I think that would be a little distracting during a fight.
Maybe it should be like msn and such where a mini info window pops up in the corner and stays until you click yes/no, but doesn't become active and disrupt anything.

Gambet 06-03-2007 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by DustyPorViva (Post 1314669)
I think that would be a little distracting during a fight.
Maybe it should be like msn and such where a mini info window pops up in the corner and stays until you click yes/no, but doesn't become active and disrupt anything.

Well, I guess the only thing it would disrupt would be all of the messages saying who killed who and so forth, nothing else. I don't know, as already stated, the person that needs to approve everything is Stefan, so I can always change things around depending on what he says.

bahamutstevetff 06-03-2007 05:35 AM

also, players might kick a player just for using a weapon nobody likes, which IMO is unfair.

anubis_wing 06-03-2007 07:50 PM

Just make it so you can only kick trials then.

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