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jorollychu 12-21-2011 12:14 AM



Door 12-21-2011 12:55 AM

DC and I never really got to speak deeply, and when we did have chats they were few and far between. The last time we ever spoke was at least a year ago, and I said something really nasty to him for which I'm so sorry.

To me, he was someone hilarious who did a lot with what he had. I found his trolling funny and even quite charming. Another distinct impression I got from him was that he never seemed to let anything get him down, so it was a true shock to hear this news. I wish the best for those who are left with just memories of him now.

Goodbye, DC.

Nightmareangel 12-21-2011 02:10 AM

I'm incredibly saddened by this. I considered DC a friend even though I haven't had a conversation with him in awhile (he did pop into my guild's vent server a couple months back but his mic wasn't working).

My creative partner in crime I will miss you. R.I.P. my friend.

ff7chocoboknight 12-21-2011 03:03 AM

****. :(

sam_i_am 12-21-2011 03:39 AM

Logan and I will both miss you very much.
I promise to continue to take care of him and make sure he lives a full, happy life.
Rest in Peace, Matt.

Nabru 12-21-2011 04:15 AM

Rip dc.

maximus_asinus 12-21-2011 06:08 AM

Currently having a drink in your memory. Last message I ever sent to you, part of our little inside joke. Would do anything to have you reply.

You (Sun Aug 22 16:39:31 2010):



haro41 12-21-2011 11:58 AM

rest in peace.

Bell 12-21-2011 06:54 PM

This is truly sad news. Matt has been both friend and foe of sorts of mine over all these years but you couldn't help but find him to be endearing. I'm sorry most for Logan though. I'm sure that Sammy will do her best to let him know though just what a special daddy he had.

Minoc 12-22-2011 12:42 AM

I've known DC for almost a decade, although we hardly talked in recent years. It was quite upsetting to hear these grim news.

It seems, also according to the blog, that he was truly a good guy.
May he rest in peace.

sam_i_am 12-22-2011 01:09 AM

I definitely will, Bell. I've printed out the blog plus have a collection of pictures set aside in Logan's baby book for him to be able look back at. I am extremely thankful that Matt gave me such a wonderful little boy, and I will make sure that Logan never doubts the love he received from his daddy. The many pictures I have of the two of them really shows it.

Take care, everyone.

Bell 12-22-2011 06:11 PM

DC loved Logan more than most of you can possibly know. Each time I spoke to him his words alone showed that. There was always a new picture of his pride and joy. He always said how he had the best kid in the world and would do anything within his power to be with him.

This was just an unfortunate situation where an impulse decision lead to tragedy. I have no doubt in my mind that if he'd had the mental capacity to think it through he never would of done what he did.

Logan has a mother and grandmother that love him dearly and I doubt this will scar his psyche for life. Sammy has done a great thing by saving the memorial and posts from those that knew Logan's dad so that one day when he does start asking questions he will see the positive and will know that his dad was a special person that just happened to have special problems that none of us could of fixed for him.

StrykerTFFD 12-22-2011 07:26 PM

Matt, deep down, was a great guy. I used to get endless amounts of grief from him on a range of topics, but I would go as far as to say he was one of my greater friends. I appreciated him every step of the way even when we butted heads. He had a unique way with everything he did, wether he was making a point or making us laugh and his love for his son was nothing less of admirable..

Nisube 12-22-2011 10:56 PM

I'm shocked and disappointed to hear about this. DC was a funny guy. I remember on Classic he would show me funny screen shots he took of other staff when he was staff and warped to places that other people couldn't get to. When Classic went off the server list he would always randomly PM me on UN about things and show me forum posts he thought I'd like to hear about. I was looking back and he even wrote a thread about me and Luda that got him banned for a week, and he massed about a few forum posts that he knew were going to get him banned...that's dedication. I'll miss his not so nice but always funny jokes that he would mass. So sorry, RIP DC.

Felix_Xenophobe 12-22-2011 11:19 PM

Rest in peace.

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