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Elizabeth 03-13-2009 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1473636)
Jumping on the bandwagon of letting our opinions fly, I'll be honest: This application isn't that bad.

Because a majority of the other ones suck too, just for different reasons.

well it was definately more creative than the other ones, and it actually looks like there was some work put into it, but from his performances as moderator on the forums, i don't think he's suitable for the position.

pooper200000 03-13-2009 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1473631)
The only thing I really question you about is that, 99 percent of the time, you are on Zone. I highly doubt you even know much about each server, I know if you get the job you can go to each server and see whats going on, but it is always good to have some sort of background on servers right?

I forgot to mention it at the time, but I have experience playing other servers. I've played Graal Kingdoms, Era, and Maloria (For a very short time a long time ago). I've tried playing Zodiac, but lost interest as the server does not appeal to me personally. I've also temporarily managed an under development server for a friend (Jothegreat5555), if that qualifies as experience.

Just because I am unaware of all the servers and their back rounds does not mean I am unable to develop an opinion about the server and to provide news updates for each. Part of the position would be to visit each server and to ask the staff members what some of the recent updates were so I would be able to create news articles.


Originally Posted by Elizabeth (Post 1473639)
well it was definately more creative than the other ones, and it actually looks like there was some work put into it, but from his performances as moderator on the forums, i don't think he's suitable for the position.

Once again, if you have suggetions for improvement, as you obviously view me negatively for my moderation, feel free to forum PM me the problem. Discussing deleted posts is not a topic for this thread, and is in violation of the rules.

Nataxo 03-13-2009 02:30 AM

though I must say, at firsts when I just became ET you where friendly and helpful to me.

Imperialistic 03-13-2009 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473640)
I forgot to mention it at the time, but I have experience playing other servers. I've played Graal Kingdoms, Era, and Maloria (For a very short time a long time ago). I've tried playing Zodiac, but lost interest as the server does not appeal to me personally. I've also temporarily managed an under development server for a friend (Jothegreat5555), if that qualifies as experience.

Just because I am unaware of all the servers and their back rounds does not mean I am unable to develop an opinion about the server and to provide news updates for each. Part of the position would be to visit each server and to ask the staff members what some of the recent updates were so I would be able to create news articles.

As I've already stated, please forum PM me if you have problems with specific posts I have moderated. I do not want to discuss deleted posts in an open forum, in direct violation of the rules.

Once again, if you have suggetions for improvement, as you obviously view me negatively for my moderation, feel free to forum PM me the problem. Discussing deleted posts is not a topic for this thread, and is in violation of the rules.

No offense, the last thing I want to read is an opinion, It would be great if we could have facts.

And another thing maybe the players could have good information too, Graal News doesn't revolve around the staff of the servers.

jkool666 03-13-2009 02:34 AM

Firstly I'd like to say your application is GENIUS. Applying for a news position and posting an application like that? Genius. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot or jealous.

Secondly I'd like to say Supernanny is extremely mature in all aspects of Graal staff that he is apart of. Working with him over the years I can say:
-He is extremely trustworthy with "power" and wouldn't abuse it
-When he agrees to do something for you, you don't need to concern yourself whether it will be done right or not.

But unfortunately, finally I must say, aren't you a little busy to be picking up another Graal occupation?

pooper200000 03-13-2009 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1473646)
No offense, the last thing I want to read is an opinion, It would be great if we could have facts.

Of course I would keep my opinions to a minimum, but as I view it, a large part of the position is posting information about the server. As some servers may have content that is interesting, I would surely develop an opinion about that server. My opinion can also be based upon facts and will reflect the facts in my writing. However, my opinion would not interfere negatively with my writing news. I'll try to provide facts though, thank you for the suggestion! :)


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1473646)
And another thing maybe the players could have good information too, Graal News doesn't revolve around the staff of the servers.

I disagree with you on the second part of your post. All staff create news, and therefore Graal news does in turn revolve around the staff of the servers. I am unsure what you mean by good information.


Originally Posted by jkool666 (Post 1473647)
Firstly I'd like to say your application is GENIUS. Applying for a news position and posting an application like that? Genius. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot or jealous.

Secondly I'd like to say Supernanny is extremely mature in all aspects of Graal staff that he is apart of. Working with him over the years I can say:
-He is extremely trustworthy with "power" and wouldn't abuse it
-When he agrees to do somethingfor you, you don't need to concern yourself whether it will be done right or not.

But unfortunately, finally I must say, aren't you a little busy to be picking up another Graal occupation?

Thank you for the kind words.

I am busy with all of my positions, but I do not feel my involvement in another position would keep me from doing my current jobs. If anything, my involvement in such a position could further my knowledge, and in furthering my knowledge I may be able to do my current jobs better.

I would be able to do my current jobs better, because of an increased knowledge of problems within the Graal community. I would inevitably find out about those problems from my exposure to each server. In finding out the problems, I would find the fix to the said problems.

kia345 03-13-2009 02:43 AM

Creative isn't always good, unless you're generally a creative, fun person. You're not, so this just made you look stupid.

Imperialistic 03-13-2009 02:43 AM

Overall, It is an interesting application, I like your responses, I just think your experince with Classic and Hosted and even Dev servers are minimum

Elizabeth 03-13-2009 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473640)
As I've already stated, please forum PM me if you have problems with specific posts I have moderated. I do not want to discuss deleted posts in an open forum, in direct violation of the rules.

omg i already did.. i even said it in that post :|

Imperialistic 03-13-2009 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473650)
Of course I would keep my opinions to a minimum, but as I view it, a large part of the position is posting information about the server. As some servers may have content that is interesting, I would surely develop an opinion about that server. My opinion can also be based upon facts and will reflect the facts in my writing. However, my opinion would not interfere negatively with my writing news. I'll try to provide facts though, thank you for the suggestion! :)

I disagree with you on the second part of your post. All staff create news, and therefore Graal news does in turn revolve around the staff of the servers. I am unsure what you mean by good information.

Thank you for the kind words.

I am busy with all of my positions, but I do not feel my involvement in another position would keep me from doing my current jobs. If anything, my involvement in such a position could further my knowledge, and in furthering my knowledge I may be able to do my current jobs better.

I would be able to do my current jobs better, because of an increased knowledge of problems within the Graal community. I would inevitably find out about those problems from my exposure to each server. In finding out the problems, I would find the fix to the said problems.

Well apparently you're all about opinions, I'm pretty sure the community has plenty of them..

pooper200000 03-13-2009 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by kia345 (Post 1473655)
Creative isn't always good, unless you're generally a creative, fun person. You're not, so this just made you look stupid.

Creative isn't always good, but it can provide interest in a post. I can't guarantee I will always have an interesting take on information, but I can certainly try to keep the news interesting to encourage players to read the news.


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1473656)
Overall, It is an interesting application, I like your responses, I just think your experience with Classic and Hosted and even Dev servers are minimum

I really don't believe my experience with the classic, hosted, and under development servers being at your minimum level will interfere with my ability to the job. It would give me a fresh take on everything and I may then notice more factual information to add to the news in addition to the updates added by staff members. An example could be if you stare at a wall with three pictures on it, you may obsess over one picture being crooked. I could notice a detail within the picture you had not already noticed.


Originally Posted by Elizabeth (Post 1473658)
omg i already did.. i even said it in that post :|

I would ask you to please message me again, as the message must have been quite some time ago for me to no longer have it.


Originally Posted by Imperialistic (Post 1473661)
Well apparently you're all about opinions, I'm pretty sure the community has plenty of them..

I am all about opinions. Opinions would be developed from information within the news, and almost everyone has an opinion on some information. The involvement of my unintentional forming of an opinion would not hinder my efforts to create unbiased articles.

Rufus 03-13-2009 02:54 AM

It's so dorky and not in a "haha that's clever" way, just in a "I feel as though my existence has been insulted" way. I didn't understand what the opening post was supposed to be at first, because it reads like something I would expect from a 11 year old trying to be a smartass.

Here's a few reasons why I don't think you should get the position:
  • As mentioned, your writing is all over the place. You don't seem to have any quirkiness to your text and I found what you posted really uncomfortable to read for more reasons than one. It's almost as though you're trying too hard, linking keywords as though we don't know what they mean when they're pretty basic. It's condescending and as stated earlier by someone else, pretentious.
  • You're a gossip and a trouble maker. While these 'qualities' may be great to have for a tabloid newspaper journalist, they certainly aren't appropriate for a game company. You have spread chat logs of administrators to several people I know and deliberately spread rumors about people. This is immature childsplay, but apparently this kind of sleaze is noteworthy to you.
  • You're a social chameleon and tell the administrators of the game what they want to hear. I feel as though this would make for awfully boring news and would bring about nothing we haven't already got.
  • While you may have the ability to change your colors for the administrators of the game, you are lacking when it comes to associating with the players. This is very much evident in your excessive moderation of the forums and your responses to forum pm's when inquiring or complaining. I feel as this job will heavily rely upon social interaction at a player level, but if you want to act like you've above players and the moral compass for Graal then you can never truly associate with us.

Elizabeth 03-13-2009 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473664)
I would ask you to please message me again, as the message must have been quite some time ago for me to no longer have it.

.........we had a whole conversation on it

pooper200000 03-13-2009 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rufus (Post 1473665)
It's so dorky and not in a "haha that's clever" way, just in a "I feel as though my existence has been insulted" way. I didn't understand what the opening post was supposed to be at first, because it reads like something I would expect from a 11 year old trying to be a smartass.

Here's a few reasons why I don't think you should get the position:
  • As mentioned, your writing is all over the place. You don't seem to have any quirkiness to your text and I found what you posted really uncomfortable to read for more reasons than one. It's almost as though you're trying too hard, linking keywords as though we don't know what they mean when they're pretty basic. It's condescending and as stated earlier by someone else, pretentious.
  • You're a gossip and a trouble maker. While these 'qualities' may be great to have for a tabloid newspaper journalist, they certainly aren't appropriate for a game company. You have spread chat logs of administrators to several people I know and deliberately spread rumors about people. This is immature childsplay, but apparently this kind of sleaze is noteworthy to you.
  • You're a social chameleon and tell the administrators of the game what they want to hear. I feel as though this would make for awfully boring news and would bring about nothing we haven't already got.
  • While you may have the ability to change your colors for the administrators of the game, you are lacking when it comes to associating with the players. This is very much evident in your excessive moderation of the forums and your responses to forum pm's when inquiring or complaining. I feel as this job will heavily rely upon social interaction at a player level, but if you want to act like you've above players and the moral compass for Graal then you can never truly associate with us.

I linked to words, as providing links can often times allow for players who may not be posting on the forums to understand some of the abbreviations we use.

I disagree with your statements of being a gossip and trouble maker. While I am unsure what exactly you mean by spread, I will admit to having shared chat logs. As is part of my position on Zone, I feel it necessary to share chat logs with my superiors when they request the history. I have also chosen to give information from history to players, as I often will copy information from the history of one player to send to another in instances of similiar information.

I do not recall deliberately spreading rumors, as a rumor could be one of many things. If you are saying I speak good of others, this is true. I am respectful of all people.

As far as your comments go about me being a social chameleon, I adapt to speak with each person in a manner that is favorable to them.

For example if someone doesn't like to talk about cheese, I won't bring up cheese, but instead may bring up their favorite (Once again, I am English. Not their favourite to me) food. I call this being sociable and it allows me to better interact with players and staff as a whole.

I am able to associate with players, but it is at times necessary with my moderation to act. I'm not above the players, I am exactly the opposite. I am below the players.

As I have told some of the Zone staff, becoming a staff member does not make you better than everyone else. It only makes you lower, because you must work to do a good job and must make wise decisions.

Acting as a staff member, when players lack the ability to act only alienates one from the players. As I've already responded, and as you have stated, I have a "chameleon personality" and this personality would allow for me to interact better with the players to be at a level only slightly lower than them.

Rufus 03-13-2009 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473670)
I linked to words, as providing links can often times allow for players who may not be posting on the forums to understand some of the abbreviations we use.

The words you have highlighted are not abbreviations, they're pretty basic terms. You highlighted them as though people don't know what a "screenshot" or what a "server" is? What kind of people do you think the players are? They're not idiots, so what you posted was very condescending.


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473670)
I disagree with your statements of being a gossip and trouble maker. While I am unsure what exactly you mean by spread, I will admit to having shared chat logs. As is part of my position on Zone, I feel it necessary to share chat logs with my superiors when they request the history.

I do not recall deliberately spreading rumors, as a rumor could be one of many things.

To be fair this is a load of rubbish and completely different to what you said in a private message to me a few months ago when I brought it up. According to the rules and for the purpose of this application discussion I can always pull up some logs if you give me permission? I can't see that happening though for some reason. Neither myself nor Crono are staff on Zone, we don't need to know what certain staff are saying or doing, you really shouldn't be telling us, and we're not the only people to receive such content.


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473670)
As far as your comments go about me being a social chameleon, I adapt to speak with each person in a manner that is favorable to them.

For example if someone doesn't like to talk about cheese, I won't bring up cheese, but instead may bring up their favorite food. I call this being sociable and it allows me to better interact with players and staff as a whole.

You've basically just agreed with what I said yet the example you gave pretty much has nothing to do with it.


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473670)
I am able to associate with players, but it is at times necessary with my moderation to act. I'm not above the players, I am exactly the opposite.

You're not, and it is pretty evident by how much they ostracize you.


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473670)
I am below the players.

I know, but that's not what you think you are.


Originally Posted by pooper200000 (Post 1473670)
As I have told some of the Zone staff, becoming a staff member does not make you better than everyone else. It only makes you lower, because you must work to do a good job and must make wise decisions.

Here we have a prime example of you saying something to score points with administrators. This isn't a Miss World contest. Instead of responding with what I've said with blatant lies and one-liners that might make you look good, why don't you try responding with the actual truth and reality here? Staff are never below players and if you treat responsibility as a negative then why are you even applying? It's a really immature mindset.

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