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MagikMasterMind 09-28-2010 05:51 AM

I'd see this working with ratings. You fight players of your own rating or if you wait too long to have a match, you can fight someone challenging you.

You should also be able to select your kind of game (lightning, Regular, sudden death etc.)

I'd see a stat board for every game type

you start with a rate of 1600
you win - depending on the oponent's rating your rating grows. If you play a 1800, you will grow more than if you played a 1625 in other words.

You lose - according to your opponent's rating, you either lose a bit or a lot.

Seeya 09-28-2010 05:58 AM

Meh. I say there are booster packs. Of course lets say "Era m4a1" gives you +700 attack and returns to your hand if it is destroyed (dumb card name), that would be a common.

On the other hand, a strong, two sacrafice card, lets call him blue eyes white dragoon, would come out of packs in a 5% chance. You can get 7 cards per pack, and you can gain these points to buy cards or trade with other players for their cards by winning events or lets say "Congratulations, you've reached 500 rating. Heres 500 points." and 500 points can buy four packs. Then, you have 20 different pack choices where the prestige packs are 500 points a pack.. or the "rare" packs, where Events Masters can host off.

I don't know, theres a lot of good ideas that can come from this. An economy must be had, there can't be something like "if you have 2k rating you can use this card" or obviously there will be boosters trying to level there accounts on noobs. It has to be reasonable.

MagikMasterMind 09-28-2010 06:22 AM

By rating I was more thinking about a competition over a "i haz 2k pts n use dis card"

would need moderation to prevent double logging/ free rate given.

Seeya 09-28-2010 06:51 AM

that's dumb imo, i don't want ranking meaning who is best. i'd be bored by that server in a month, if i had a deck named "unholy beasts" with the best cards in the game in it, and then i could TRADE that deck to people for everything they own, money, and cards.. that'd be incredibly fun.

and without a doubt you'd start w/ atleast 100 cards so not everyone chooses the same starter deck.

Demisis_P2P 12-02-2013 11:40 AM

Blizzard made this and now they're going to make billions of dollars. Shoulda listened guys.

Telling you now the NEXT big thing is gonna be 2.5d FP2 MMORPGs, get on it.

Cubical 12-02-2013 11:58 AM

They had a huge following that's the only reason it worked.

Xloria 12-25-2013 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Demisis_P2P (Post 1595774)
Collecting them would invariably be part of the challenge, but the focus would be on battling against other people and building battle decks with different strategies and tactics.
Some of the rarer cards could be available only through mini-games (had an idea for a mini-game sort of like Memory) or raffles, etc. And there could still be quests, although they would probably just be puzzle based.

Me likey. You could like stake up a card in the battle too? and maybe even have a grandpa that you need to go to who owns a card shop and than that one kid throws your cards off the boat uhhrg

no but really I like the idea, and I believe it could work, but than I ask myself what could possibly be a new core server to Graal? it seems no matter how hard you try, most of the player base will refuse new servers.

I know this is old but if anyone is still lookin at bringing this up... I approve.

Stephen 12-25-2013 05:56 AM

The "Card Game" genre is very popular on mobile, especially in Japan. I personally have very little appreciation for these sort of card games and collecting them - I assumed when Pokemon cards were popular it was just a trend.

How many here actually enjoy it? If you do, can you say why? I've never understood.

Crono 12-25-2013 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1724476)
How many here actually enjoy it? If you do, can you say why? I've never understood.

I like stomping tryhards with troll builds, but it's semi-pay2win and luck based. Some will argue that it's skill, but really it isn't.

Stephen 12-26-2013 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Crono (Post 1724490)
I like stomping tryhards with troll builds, but it's semi-pay2win and luck based. Some will argue that it's skill, but really it isn't.

It seems like what you enjoy in it is probably far from the normal player, although I do appreciate your insight. Can anyone offer some more insight?

Clockwork 12-28-2013 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1724522)
It seems like what you enjoy in it is probably far from the normal player, although I do appreciate your insight. Can anyone offer some more insight?

No, that's pretty much the normal player. Win? "Lol I troll you so hard, get owned." Lose? "Its not like it took skill, you got lucky and had p2w cards!"

Its a collectible, competitive card game in an already popular universe by a company that makes hit after hit. It's not exactly a niche game.

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