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VulcanP2P 06-11-2005 09:23 AM

Suggestions for Global Playerlist:

*account name added to indicate its someones account name

Some way to indicate if its a player or RC

CheeToS2 06-11-2005 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by VulcanP2P
Suggestions for Global Playerlist:

*account name added to indicate its someones account name

Some way to indicate if its a player or RC

They are all account names >_<

VulcanP2P 06-11-2005 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
They are all account names >_<

Sorry, I explained what I meant wrong. In my buddylist I thought I saw the name account (on Graal Kingdoms) without the *. My eyes are deceiving me.

Ajira 06-11-2005 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
They are all account names >_<

On servers with an updated GServer, they show nicknames. (Graal Kingdoms)

CheeToS2 06-11-2005 07:08 PM

Hm, okay, it does show nicknames on GK (neat), but it looks like it already shows * for account names. Maybe it doesn't if somebody sets their nickname to *accountname, just like the regular playerlist.

Skyld 06-12-2005 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Velox Cruentus
I did redownload it. I just thought the actual text on the back disturbing, rather. I know how the problem occurred, and how to fix it. Just not from preventing it from reoccurring.

I have had this problem with Graal 4 since I deleted the filenamecache the first time, except clearing the filenamecache again, reinstalling Graal 3, or reextracting Graal 4 did not fix it. Graal 3 has no problems, though.

Malinko 06-15-2005 05:13 AM

Note to *Stefan:
Add the following v4 testers:


xManiamaNx 06-16-2005 05:50 PM

When enabling a second monitor while Graal4 is running, the game screen stops displaying the game and is all grey. When the screen is clicked on I get an Access Violation "Access violation at address 00446C58 in module 'Graal4.exe'. Read of address 00000004. When clicking OK on that dialog, another one pops up just like it.

On Graal4, if you try logging on to a server with v31enabled=false you get an error saying "You need Graal version Graal 3.13-4 to play on this server." If the v31enabled=false is changed to v30enabled=false, it still gives that message unless you put v31enabled=true in the serveroptions first. It will still do that after the client is restarted.

Almost all of my dialog boxes that come up have scrollbars on them.

When dragging Graal4 from the main display over to a second display, the framerate drops to around 1 frame every 5 seconds. my CPU usage goes up to 100, and my entire system slows down. My mouse jumps from 1 place to where I moved it to every 5 seconds or so. Once I kill Graal4, everything is back to normal speed. I have done this before with Graal3 and Graal3, and they have both worked fine. This happens when the game is at the first menu, or actually on a server. Everything runs fine if Graal4 is on the primary display.

Velox Cruentus 06-16-2005 06:31 PM

I can't set a proxy for when I'm at school networks or likewise.

Enabling second moniter while G4 is on causes Access Violation Error confirmed.

Playing G4 on second moniter: 5% up to 38%. I guess my computer handles it better, however, it's still noticible.

Admins 06-16-2005 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by xManiamaNx
On Graal4, if you try logging on to a server with v31enabled=false you get an error saying "You need Graal version Graal 3.13-4 to play on this server." If the v31enabled=false is changed to v30enabled=false, it still gives that message unless you put v31enabled=true in the serveroptions first. It will still do that after the client is restarted.

v30enabled is for v2 and v3.0 (<=3.0), v30enabled is for v3.1 and v4 (>=3.1).


When enabling a second monitor while Graal4 is running, the game screen stops displaying the game and is all grey. When the screen is clicked on I get an Access Violation "Access violation at address 00446C58 in module 'Graal4.exe'. Read of address 00000004. When clicking OK on that dialog, another one pops up just like it.

When dragging Graal4 from the main display over to a second display, the framerate drops to around 1 frame every 5 seconds. my CPU usage goes up to 100, and my entire system slows down. My mouse jumps from 1 place to where I moved it to every 5 seconds or so. Once I kill Graal4, everything is back to normal speed. I have done this before with Graal3 and Graal3, and they have both worked fine. This happens when the game is at the first menu, or actually on a server. Everything runs fine if Graal4 is on the primary display.
It's working fine with v2 and v3 ? Graal v4 is checking better if the drawing context is destroyed, so that it can recreate it, instead of having a messed up display or black window.


Almost all of my dialog boxes that come up have scrollbars on them.
With the latest version of v4 ?

CheeToS2 06-16-2005 07:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Maniaman can only post once a day, so I'll answer for him.

Originally Posted by Stefan
It's working fine with v2 and v3 ? Graal v4 is checking better if the drawing context is destroyed, so that it can recreate it, instead of having a messed up display or black window.

mania: only showed a gray screen when i enabled my second monitor
mania: when I moved it over to the 2nd monitor, it became really really really slow
mania: I could watch the thing refresh stuff down the screen


With the latest version of v4 ?
Yes, although this doesn't happen to me. He says it is happening with the "you have been disconnected" boxes. I've attached a screenshot.

Ibonic 06-16-2005 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by CheeToS2
Yes, although this doesn't happen to me. He says it is happening with the "you have been disconnected" boxes. I've attached a screenshot.

scrollbars: I have those too, on the filename cache dialog and others.

also: A lot of things aren't (re)set as expected when switching servers.

For example:

-I was just on Classic and switched to Maloria. The level/gmap I was in on Classic showed up on Maloria under their "News" GUI for about 15 seconds even though my internet connection wasn't lagging. Note: It was the first time I was on Maloria though and doesn't happen after that, so I do know it was some kind of lag anyway -- but I don't think v2 acts like this, it's just odd to see the previous server's level like that.

-If you set a nickname while on a server and then switch to another, in v2 it would use the name that you set while online, but in v4 it uses the one that was set on the client before logging on the first time.
(CheeToS told me this was already reported, sorry! I noticed it a long time ago, but never bothered to post it until now)

-Customs graphics (e.g. letters.png) from servers are still shown when switching to another which uses the defaults (e.g. Maloria to Classic), or sometimes none are shown at all.

Have also had a problem quite frequently lately on both v4 and v2 (on Classic) where some levels on a gmap will not show up at all other than as the default grass tiles. This gives the impression to other people that a person experiencing this is walking through walls / cheating.

Sometimes my chat text bar disappears completely (doesn't show up when pressing tab), this happened just now after switching servers a few times. Not sure if it's been reported already or not.

calani 06-22-2005 08:37 PM

Requested feature: enable ctrl+left/right (word left/right) and ctrl+shift+left/right (select word left/right) in the chat bar.

CheeToS2 06-22-2005 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by calani
Requested feature: enable ctrl+left/right (word left/right) and ctrl+shift+left/right (select word left/right) in the chat bar.

You already mentioned those, silly, but I will move them to the features section since they aren't really bugs :)

Crono 06-24-2005 08:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I get the following when logging onto Maloria. I have the newest version of V4 (or so I think? Last modified around 3 hours ago.)

When hitting ok it keeps on coming up.

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